Monday, 27 February 2012

Medical Transcription Made Easy


I am a first time blogger and I have been a medical transcriptionist for the past 12 years.  I will try to get information to my fellow transcriptionists with regards to the latest in Medical Transcription as well as helpful tips on how to make transcription easy.

Before posting these tips, I would like to inform everyone that not all of these tips are mine.  Some of these tips are posted by other prodigies in Medical Transcription and are very useful, and I will try to get each and everyone of them for you, my fellow transcriptionists.

In Medical Transcription, there are times when we are confused with regards to the use of numerals in transcription (i.e., Arabic versus Roman).  Today, I will start off with the use of Arabic versus Roman Numerals in Medical Transcription.

Examples of Arabic numbers and Roman numerals:

Classes: I-IV (like New York Heart Classifications).

Diabetes mellitus types: 1 and 2 per new ADA guidelines...(not I and II anymore)

Genotypes: 1a, 1b, etc.

Gleason score: 1 to 10. May be seen as whole number or fraction. "Gleason score 6." or "Gleason score 6/10" May also see as the components which make up the score, i.e., "Gleason score is 3 + 3 = 6/10."

Grades: 1-4 (i.e., cancer)

Heart murmurs: 1/6, 2/6, 3/6, etc.  AAMT style has changed to using Arabic numerals for murmurs even if dictated as Roman numerals. Also if a range is given "Systolic murmur one to two out of six" you DO NOT type 1-2/6. You should type 1/6 to 2/6.

Model and serial numbers: Use Arabic numbers. Example: model C453, model #C453, serial #A13045. (for accounts that cannot use the number symbol the first example is a great one to use)

Pain scale: 0 to 10, with usually a fraction stated. "Pain scale one to two out of ten" would be typed 1-2/10 (notice this is in direct contrast to heart murmurs above). "Pain scale one over ten" would be 1/10. "Pain scale one of ten" would still be 1/10.

Powers of 10: (exponentials) Example: 10.2 times 10 to the 6th if the client's program doesn't have the capability to print out the formula in strict algebraic format.

Reflexes: Absent to 4+ (1, 1+, 2, 2+ etc.)

Skin types: I, II.

Stages: I-IV (cancer, Tanner, FIGO)

Strength: 0 to 5+.”

Courtesy of: Rebecca Murphy [Transcend Services, Inc.] 

If anyone has any objections or questions regarding this blog, please blog.

Venkat Chettiar

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